Venus in 2nd House Synastry

Venus in 2nd House Synastry

Venus in 2nd House synastry partners, especially those of the opposite sex, impress you more than they probably think. In their presence, everything is easy and comfortable for you, and you are absolutely not tempted to argue or fight, especially if the partner just made you a beautiful gift, or is merely well dressed and friendly.

However, it will most likely seem to them that you do not notice these Venusian manifestations. And indeed, they may not be registering by your consciousness; yet they make a very strong impression on the subconscious, which is usually a positive one, especially if your Second House is not afflicted. But when your relationship with the partner begins to deteriorate, his or her social behavior can begin to annoy you, challenging your ethical ideas.

Your poverty, financial or spiritual, will affect your partner deeply and seem terribly ugly, as well as your manifestations of greed. But a Venus in 2nd House synastry partner will greatly appreciate your generosity and breadth of soul. They can also contribute to the refinement of your ethics and the strengthening of moral values. In an unsuccessful scenario, you will spend all the money on your partner, grow disappointed and lose the last of your faith in humanity.

In general, under Venus in 2nd House synastry you tend to underestimate the serious influence of a partner on you, both materially and morally. But they can, acting imperceptibly and subtly enough (not to say elegantly), greatly change your view of the world and the value system. If that happens, they may also bring you good luck, though not of the Jupiterian type: it will be more modest, yet your life will become a little more beautiful and comfortable.

from A. Podvodny

Venus in 2nd House Synastry Explained

Venus in 2nd House synastry is a very promising option for the formation of business relations between partners, especially if it is associated with financial activities or with what constitutes material and spiritual and aesthetic values.

Both personalities strive for everything beautiful and luxurious. The personality of the Second House has the ability to provide the “Venusian” one financial and other material values. The “Venusian” personality, in turn, provides the partner with all kinds of help and assistance in developing most promising financial projects.

The marital relationship of these people is built mainly on the basis of the same mercantile financial interests. In a negative scenario, under Venus in 2nd House synastry the partners can instigate each other to frivolous financial scams, excessive luxury and ill-conceived spending of material resources.

by Geocult

2nd House Synastry
