Category: Neptune
Neptune is the second planet from the transcendental group (which also includes Uranus and Pluto). It stays in the same zodiac sign for roughly 14 years and takes almost 165 years to orbit the Sun. Neptune is considered super-Venus as it affects not individuals but large groups of people and humanity as a whole, so its effects are most obvious on the generational level.
Neptune governs the realm of secrets and is responsible for feelings, impressions (especially false ones), and dreams (including lucid dreaming). Its effects are always elusive and mysterious. People with a strong Neptune have supernatural intuition and extrasensory abilities and are drawn to the mystical side of life. They can be endowed with the gift of clairvoyance. If they work on these abilities, such people can become true mediums, see the future in their dreams, and succeed in any phenomenal practice that ignorant skeptics label as scientifically impossible.
Neptune’s forces ignore mental and spiritual limitations: their task is to do whatever it takes to reveal secrets of nature, space, and mankind. But at the same time, Neptune lures people into an artificial paradise generated by alcohol, drugs, hallucinations, and illusions where one can easily become a victim of deception (or self-deception) of every kind. Under Neptune’s influence, neuropsychic diseases emerge and flourish, somnambulism, drowsiness, lethargy, and catalepsy appear. Neptune is responsible for the states in which an individual falls into a trance or semi-trance, reaches the astral world; its power also extends to perversions of a sexual nature.