Neptune in 2nd House synastry forms relationships between people on the basis of joint activities related to financial aspects.
If the Neptune is afflicted, the influence and activities of the “Neptunian” person lead to a material waste, ill-conceived and fraudulent actions ultimately resulting in financial losses. It is clear that such a “partner” can hardly be tolerated, and therefore the personality of the Second House strongly protests and does not want to put up with such a dishonest and frivolous companion.
In a positive scenario, the intuitive abilities of the “Neptunian” personality very effectively contribute to the successful development of a common cause not just within the Second House but in all areas of the mutual life activity of partners.
by Geocult
Neptune in 2nd House Synastry Explained
Sinastric Neptune and Pluto in many ways represent the dark-teacher aspect of your partner in relation to you, but they do it in completely different ways, and in some ways in the opposite way.
The influence of Neptune in 2nd House synastry is difficult to notice: when your partner starts to deceive you, play dishonestly, speak with equivocations, etc., you often don’t notice this. And, although by some elusive signs you feel that something is wrong, for a long time you can’t plainly understand what the matter is. If your partner continues to play a dishonest game, at some point you feel that you are forced to act against your beliefs, and that this is somehow connected with your partner’s actions.
If he or she is caught red-handed, the two of you can have a very unpleasant time sorting out your relationship, which will aggravate your partner’s conscious or subconscious guilt in front of you. However, with a strong Neptune, they are likely to turn the tables and blame it all on you, making it difficult to figure out what is true, who is right, and who is to blame for your conflicts and misunderstandings.
In a favorable variant of Neptune in 2nd House synastry, the partner’s meditations can pour heavenly light on you; yet you will not perceive it directly but as a lightening of the environment. In turn, your correct behavior will sometimes put your partner into an ecstatic state. But in general, synastry Neptune in 2nd House incites partners to mutual bribery and the temptations of unethical behavior with dubious gains appearing simultaneously with the first deception.
from A. Podvodny